Código Promocional


Rutas gastronómicas Gastronomic routes Gastronomische Routen

Visiting the city of Palma’s coastal area by bicycle: with this excursion, renting bicycles at a Hotel Boutique Posada Terra Santa is recommended. The route begins by circling the Gothic neighbourhood and heading down to the sea. Residents make a habit of this route: take some time getting to know the old fishermen’s neighbourhoods, passing through the small harbours of Portixol and El Molinar, and the old summer visitors’ neighbourhood Ciudad Jardín. Arrive at Cala Gamba and make a reservation at the Cala Gamba shellfish bar, or at the Bungalow in Ciudad Jardín. The ciega de marisco paella, without shells or bones, is recommended.

Very near at hand, through alleys between Gothic churches, I spot the sea. Without a plan, alone, just the pleasure of arriving at the blue. I slowly push the pedals, soaking up the soft feel of the salty breeze.

The seaside smells of prawns, and smooth notes sound out the luck of the autumn’s sailors.

I breathe, take in the beauty. I’ll eat some prawns, lick my fingers and think about keeping this place a secret, or just maybe, share it with you.

By Regina Palomero


The Drach Caves: A Journey into the Depths of Mallorca 

Mallorca, the jewel of the Mediterranean, is renowned for its stunning landscapes, dreamlike beaches, and rich culture. However, there’s a natural treasure you simply cannot miss: the Drach Caves. This cave system, located near the town of Porto Cristo, is one of the island’s most fascinating wonders, where nature has